Hire the interim services of one of our experts! We can place engineers and technicians from our Alps Engineering, Alps Equipment, and Alps Services units at your company.

Project Managers
As true teammates in your industrial transformation, our project managers stand by your side throughout your development project. They bridge the gap between the realities of your production tools, your future objectives, and the technological solutions available.

At the core of the intelligence behind managing your industrial tools is that of our engineers, who, by collaborating with you, design solutions to enhance your competitiveness. Our expert teams primarily support you in three areas:
- The design, installation, and securing of electrical control systems for production management
- The development and deployment of automation solutions aimed at optimizing production processes
- The monitoring of production tools, data processing, and analysis solutions for the control and management of your industrial sites

With extensive experience serving all sectors of industry, our technicians intervene on various projects:
- Monitoring production, installation, and securing control systems
- Integration and implementation of automation solutions into your industrial tools
- Development of effective solutions for data management with the aim of optimizing production processes

Electrical Technicians
Our electrical technicians are the creators of your new industrial intelligence. They put into practice the solutions designed in advance with an extreme attention to detail across various areas:
- Design and assembly of custom electrical panels that meet the strictest standards for industrial automation
- Design and manufacturing of electrical panels dedicated to energy distribution with a focus on optimizing consumption
They put their trust in us

Contact us today!
Our experts are here to help you start your project.
Their efficiency left a lasting impression, as my colleagues tell me to this day: ‘’Analysing over 350 electrical diagrams and compiling all the data in an Excel file in such a short space of time commands respect‘’.
This audit will result in one or more renovation projects or new installations in, for example, a future new district of the city of Lausanne. In all cases, Alps Group will be consulted about regulation services and the possibility of a medium- to long-term partnership.