Industrial Safety

The IEC 61511 standard defines safety requirements for process industries, setting four SIL protection levels. We support your site's compliance with efficient measures for optimal production safety at every stage of your project.

Alps safety sécurité des procédés.

Risk Identification and Evaluation

  • Assistance and facilitation of HAZOP reviews: organizing, conducting, and reporting reviews with multidisciplinary expert groups
  • LOPA implementation using GRIF (RISK module) to analyze and formalize risks, define SIL loops, and determine required criteria
alps safety SIL

SIL Loop

  • SIL calculations with GRIF (SIL module), certified computation of achieved SIL and RRF
  • Support for selecting solutions and materials
  • Design of compliant Safety Instrumented Functions (SIS)

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BASF Business Case Alps Group
In such situations, it’s essential to set aside emotions. The focus must be on delivering an independent, precise expert report that meets the judge's request. This opinion serves as evidence, and our responsibility is significant.
Alps Safety

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Our experts are here to help you start your project.